Good TV Alert

Check your local listings for a PBS show tonight called Buying the War, by Bill Moyers. It is a documentary that indicts the mainstream media for failing to question the government's official line justifying its invasion of Iraq.

Early reviews have been excellent.


  1. I will look for it. I knew it was all a lie in the beginning. You can't trust a smirker.

  2. PS: I like the page changes

  3. Cheer: That smirk is the worst! And thanks for the feedback on the template. I am experimenting...

  4. Whoa, I like the new look. I AM rubbing off on you. Hee.

  5. GKL: My blog is about all I can afford to remodel!

  6. The entire blogosphere is all over this. I need to see it.

  7. Grant: I was certainly sucked into the whole lets go to war thing. Watching this makes me so pissed off, I don't know who to watch anymore.


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