The Big Wicked Online Pagent!

I am a tad late because I was out of town, but after a mad scramble through the photo albums, here we are!!!

At 1 I went as a streaker!

At 2... Hey look at me! I'm a cowboy! How original...

And in 1966, at 9, the worlds most frightening Frankenstein.

There you have it, vote early and vote often!


  1. I'm lovin' that pose on the left when you were Frankenstein! Dude, you totally rocked it! ;)

  2. You were an awesome Frankenstein ... but I prefer those cute butt cheeks!

  3. I knew it was only a matter of time before you started putting up nude photos of yourself.

    Glad you're back.


  4. So, are you coming full circle this year and going as a streaker again? That's one way to keep trick or treaters off your lawn!

  5. Yes, the cowboy costume: a hat, a vest and a neckerchief (assuming of course that you already owned jeans)

    That Frankenstein outfit is pretty amazing. Most costumes back then would be a cheap plastic mask and a plastic set of pajamas

  6. Brilliant costumes and very worthy entries, you're rocking all 3 looks.

  7. Streaker, all the way baby.

  8. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Love the streaker picture at one!!

  9. RLL: Thanks girl!

    Beth: That photo is in place of the ass-scan I promised...

    Doc: Be afraid. Be very afraid!

    Beckeye: I strip down and yell get off my lawn. Everyone just assumes I am McCain!

    Bubs: I passed over a pretty cheesy ghost costume that was white plastic, with that crappy plastic mask held in place with elastic.

    Dale: Thank you sir!

    GKL: Good to know I have the Ho vote!

    Suze: Do you like my sexy lean on the tub pose?

  10. That is one totally stylish cowboy scarf there. I'll bet the ladies were all over you.

  11. No fair! The butt checks is cheating!

  12. Cutest cowboy ever! And Frankenstein pose #1 is so Cosmo! Great photos!

  13. Awesome Frankenstein! Very scary...

    But what a cute cowboy!

  14. I'm trying to figure out the deal with Frankie's shoes. Cute pics.

  15. Awesometastic. I wonder why every parent instantly needs to take multiple rolls of their offspring naked immediately after becoming a parent.

  16. Barbara: Oh yeah, that combined with my own sandbox made me a "catch".

    Dan: Thanks for dropping by! I had to tilt the odds in my favor somehow.

    Kat: I was quite the little poser!

    Flan: The Frankenstein outfit was my moms finest work.

    Coaster: Mom found those at a thrift shop I think, the looked like feet growing out of a pair of shoes, like the hulk. No clue why somebody painted them red and green. Perhaps a wacked out Christmas play?

    Pistols: I think it's to prove they aren't aliens.

  17. HA. What's up with that Frankenstein outfit? Nice

  18. Was there a dance involved with the Frankenstein outfit, because you look like you were busting fresh moves!

  19. I think the first would be a fine costume somewhere OTHER than a place that gets 40' of snow by November 1st.

    Maybe you could throw an Adam & Eve party! You know, raise a lil' cain if you're able!!

  20. Oh man, clicking on your link was soooooo worth it. Love the 'tocks!

  21. Dr Zibbs: My moms finest sewing hour!

    mcgone: You know it! That was back before I became too white to dance.

    Cap: You know it, lots of shrinkage involved up in the mountains...

    dguzman: Welcome and thanks for dropping by!

  22. no one beats you SD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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