This was a bad idea

I heard of a "fun" thing to do, Googling for images based on the name of your blog. Most of you just know me as Skylers dad, which brings up it's own set of problems. There is an adult site associated with Skyler, but there is probably an adult site out there associated with every name in the book!

But when you search for my real blog name, "Some days it's not worth chewing through the leather straps", you are just begging for trouble! Some of the items that are somewhat postable, and still be somewhat less than x rated are:

I made these smaller...


  1. But making things smaller doesn't make the less naughty...


  2. I kinda like those boots, but if I had them LK would probably be using some of the other things.

  3. Doc: But the ass doesn't jump out at you so much...

    Leonesse: Lets make a deal, I get you the boots, you post pictures.

  4. You know, every time I see a series of photos like this I'm surprised, and disturbed, by the easy segue from law enforcement trade publication advertising to bondage porn.

  5. When I search "that blue yak" very weird crap comes up. All from the weird stuff on my blog.

  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Hmm, that's exactly how I started reading your blog - after I ordered, of course.

  7. having been 'round the block a few times myself, I can only IMAGINE what sort of images that "chewing" and "leather straps" might bring up...!! (you can eamail me your favs later, when U've got time...!!)

  8. Bubs: Fine line there my friend!

    Dr Zibbs: Thanks for stopping by! Wear it proudly sir.

    Suze: Same deal as Leonesse, photos are always welcome.

    Captain: After I washed my eyes out with bleach, I sanitized the computer next.

  9. That good, ay? Well, I tried it using MY own blogg title and was grossly disapointed to see lemon peels, pictures of martinis and well-scrubbed lil' children at lemonade stands.

    But that ONE B&W picture of a man with his face buried in someone's crotch made up for it, I think.

  10. I did promise Mr. BSUWG a pic if he came back to blogging. Work on him!

  11. WAIT! Not that kind of picture.

    I didn't think that one all the way through! :-)

  12. OK, I tried it. The first relevant image was the avatar picture for Some Guy! Also, much of my original artwork is there to be ripped off as well as photos of yours truly. Disturbing.

  13. I had a similar experience when wanting to find a t-shirt for a fellow teammate that is in a band - try googling 'monkey rocker.' Holy shit!!

  14. hahahahaha!
    you can only imagine what i get when i search for distrubutor caps.


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