Bad Tat Tuesday will return next week because of this heart-warming story!

I am such a sucker for these touchy feel-good stories sometimes, this one is really heart warming.

Bob was not what you would call a winner in life, but he was a nice enough guy and worked hard at his job on the fryer at Burger King.

Each week Bob would spend one dollar on a lotto ticket, and always played his same lucky numbers. Finally, last week, his luck changed. His lucky numbers came through and he won 181 million dollars!

Imagine Bob's shock at his continued good luck when he found the love of his life just two short days later!

An incredible story of luck and inspiration!


  1. That's so sweet. It looks like they both really dig each other for their personalities.

  2. There really is no telling how and when love will strike but 181 million does make for a bigger target!

    You really are a die-hard romantic! Your wife is very, very lucky.


  3. P.S. my Word Verification is Buthrear.


  4. Anonymous1:23 PM

    His stomach is bigger than both her tits combined.

  5. Love is blind. But it's not earthshatteringly stupid.

  6. And I'll bet Skipper there will fill him up with all kinds of greasy, fatty stroke-and-heart-attack-inducing foot. He'll die in a few years, but he'll die loved, right?

  7. My man and I were talking about that just last night!

    He said, "You see ugly men with beautiful women all the time. It's the money." I said, "You're safe. You'll never see me porking someone like Donald Trump. I can't boff someone I'm not attracted to, no matter HOW much money he has."

  8. Oh my..god bless this guys divorce laywer, cuz he just hit the lotto too!

  9. Ah, true love, ain't it grand. You can just tell how much in love she ir.

  10. I dunno, they look like a good match to me. They both look scary and demonic.

  11. Two words, dude: prenuptual agreement

  12. I don't suppose the fact that he'll probably have a cardiac arrest when he sees her take off her shirt for the first time has anything to do with all of this??


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