It's Another Adult Bad Tat Tuesday!

Sometimes the tats that get sent my way are of the nature that really shouldn't be opened up at work, as opposed to the regular kind I use that just shouldn't be opened.


So I file those away someplace safe like a folder called "Yanni Music", or "How to install the new blades in your Remco nose hair removal system".

So if you are brave enough, and don't have a weak stomach, cruise on over to Not Safe For Anything to see the latest edition. It's really not so bad this time... really.


  1. Nah, it wasn't so bad.

    *trembling uncontrollably*


  2. That first one . . . . is that human skin????????

  3. Um...ouch.
    Mostly I love how the broadsword couple staged tho pic as if they had it taken "professional-like" at the local Wal-Mart or something.

  4. I'll have to wait until I get home for this one it sounds like.


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