Skylers TV Crushes

I have been toying with the idea of a new series of posts based on the women on TV that Skyler has a crush on. Those of you who follow this little web log know that Skyler has always liked the news on TV, and that he has a part time job recording the local NBC affiliates news programs.

So Skyler has a whole bunch of DVDs that he made that have some of his favorite anchors, meteorologists, and other people he likes on TV. He plays them a lot on a portable DVD player when we are out running errands or other places in public, and it is always funny to see somebody lean over and try and see what is on the news. It is particularly funny when he is watching an old news item about a major snow coming and it is July here. People are always saying "Really? It is going to snow?" Then I tell them it is a DVD and they don't believe me! Because really, who records the weather?

Well, we do!

So for the first of this series, here is somebody that has a very unusual name. Amelia Earhart is a traffic reporter for the local NBC affiliate around here, and is indeed a distant relation to the famous aviator. She left 9News about a year ago to go out to LA since she is from there, but surprised us by coming back to Denver again.

Amelia is really good looking, Skyler always perks up when he sees her.

She flew in an F-16

Reporting in from Sky9

Here she is in LA, there isn't any video from her time in Denver I could find.


  1. That's sure a nice camera angle in the video.

    Skyler has good taste.

  2. I agree, Skyler has good taste!

  3. She looks like that Julie chick who was once on The Real World. It's such a shame that I can still immediately recognize all of those idiots.

  4. She's adorable. Skyler has great taste.

  5. Anonymous11:42 AM

    What a little, perky, well endowed blonde huh! I wonder if he's noticed her face yet? :) Go Skyler!

  6. I think I'm going to get all my traffic news from Amelia from now on even though I don't live in Denver.

  7. I know her! Well...I don't know her, but I've seen her on tv here.

    Skyler DOES have good taste!

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I've got to find you and Skyler some video of our local weather lady. Slim and Puddles agree she is most insightful.


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