Let's Put That Pig To Work!

Now that our friend Fernando has settled in, he decided to try and earn his keep around here.  I thought I would try him out configuring some switches and doing an install guide, but all he wanted to do was play in the box of cables.

I was a little surprised that he didn't know his Cat5 from RCA jacks, but he seems kind of trainable...

So I decided to give him a proof reading job on one of my manuals, and as soon as I turn my back, guess what?  He's trying to make a call to somebody, probably in New Zealand for crying out loud!

I told Fernando, if you want to gab on the phone, take my next conference call, will ya?  Turns out he can bullshit with the best of them!  I swear I actually heard him throw out "Leverage Synergy" and "win-win solution".  But he got tired of having the phone crooked against his neck (do pigs have necks?) so he asked to use my headset.
Next up I will tell you all about how he is fitting in with the other 4-legged beasties around here.


  1. Fernando....he is such a lil pig. Ha Ha.....actually pretty cute lil thing. Watch out he will be inviting girls over and having a great ol time before you know it. Did you put up your cell when you was sleeping? He may have been on it last night....better check your minutes.

  2. yes, they have necks.

    Apparently, neck bones make for some good soup stock.

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Um, if you don't start a Facebook Fan Page for lil' Fernando there, I might just have to beat you to it. You can count me in as the first member! - G

  4. @Georgina: There already is one!

  5. Damn pig, he's into everything!

  6. Not impressed. I want to see him clean a toilet.

  7. That is one naughty piggy.

  8. Fernando is a cutie. And a bit mischievous. He and Skyler will be cooking up pranks together to bait you. You better be alert. VERY alert...

  9. Awww, I love this! It reminds me of My Milktoof:


  10. That's a pig after my own heart!

    Love the background pic on your phone. : )

  11. He can fly, right?

  12. AHHHHHH!!! Fernando is back!!!

    I hear the ghost of McGone calling..

    He is one cute little bastard, isn't he?

  13. oh and maybe Fenando wants to take a little trip to Bean town??

  14. He's adorable. Love this lighthearted post Chris.
    xo d

  15. Oh how cute! And I bet the dogs LOVE him! :-)

  16. is this the same Fernando that Abba sang about?? they prolly got rid of him because he has really bad attention issues...

  17. Yordi may have just smelled my pup's scent on Fernie. F von B is very dog friendly!


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