Hey, it's 18 seconds, go ahead and click

A popcorn kernel popping at 5,400 frames per second.


  1. Cool! I love stuff like that!

  2. that's fantastic!! But there's something almost... I dunno-- CREEPY about it when you realize that the thing is LITERALLY turning itself inside out...

    I'm going to do a follow-up post to my post re: popcorn 'cuz my damned air popper is pissing me off something fierce and I have to essentially re-pop the damned corn up to 3x. I'm sooo totally linking to you on this one!!

  3. Yeah, I'm a little frightened to eat popcorn right now. I'm sure it'll pass in about eight minutes, or until I pass a bag of Smartfood.

  4. Anonymous4:10 PM

    It kind of looks like that kernel is doing the Daniel-san Crane style thing.

  5. And after it pops it kinda looks like a bunny. Ain't nature cool!


  6. That is so frickin' cool!

  7. Naw, I like the old maids better, cuz they ain't been popped.

  8. Thanks everyone, and GKL, what can I say? You are back on your game girl!!


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