Nothing more creepy than a christian puppet

Now this just freaks me out!!!


  1. Okay, I can't even watch the video, but with the subject line? I add you to my blog-roll.

  2. Anonymous6:17 PM

    That is creepy with a capital K.

    If that ventriloquist had spent more time sneaking copies of Playboy out of his dad's underwear drawer instead of reading the bible, he wouldn't have to spend his adult life with his hand up some wooden guy's ass. Booobs! Run Away!!!

  3. I'm going to have nightmares now...

  4. Hey, don't be mean! This guy came to MY church when I was young, and he made me the man I am today!! (I had never even HEARD of dirty magazines until he stopped by, so of COURSE I had to find out what he was talking about... I think he also said something about a "Cleveland Steamer" when he came to my church, but I could be wrong...)

  5. great Goddess in the Summerlands, where DO you find this shit??

  6. I feel like I've been looking at dirty pictures now but still, I'm glad only one of the twins ended up needing glasses.

  7. Anonymous7:57 AM

    It just keeps getting worse. A wishy-washy machine?

  8. travelgretta: Thanks for stopping by, I will drop over to your place.

    Kirby: And he such great skills as a ventriloquist, doesn't he?

    Raven: Just one of the many services I offer over here.

    HL: "Cleveland Steamer"!! Ha ha ha!! And I have many, many friends who are equally twisted as I am.

    Dale: Thank God, huh?

    Suzel: Can it get worse? I am not so sure...

  9. Uhh this was kinda creepy, and not at all moral-sounding. Kind of like that old Anthony Hopkins movie, Magic!

  10. Well, there's my nightmare fuel for the next three years.

  11. Damn. I wish all TV were like this. Because this is awesome.

  12. That's on top of all the other Christain clowns-- Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts, etc.


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