Yes, that Grant Miller!

Trying to catch up on my blog reading at the hospital yesterday while Skyler slept. All the fine folks on blog role are accessible, except for one... ;^) Must be all those posts about Milton Berle, huh Grant?

Updated later: Sorry I pooched up the screen snapshot earlier, here is what is so funny!


  1. Note to self: Must plant more red flags in blog content.

  2. yeah, an' here I talked about what a shitty terrorist he'd be, an' he didn't even read da' sheeeit!

  3. I'm so offended that you can read mine.

  4. I guess I'm not dirty enuff. Time to start Half-Nekkid Thursday!!

    Meanwhile, when at school once I tried to google William Faulkner's Nobel Prize acceptance speech. THAT was blocked as porn.

  5. Grant Miller is like James Joyce: soft on full-frontal.

    Pun intended.

  6. EEG: I think you need to start posting a lot of naked women, I'm just sayin...

    HL2: I don't think the pictures do it, I think they key on words. Try posting a ton more nudity just to check tho!

    Grant: you brought me up right.

    Pistols: Rim shot heading your way.

  7. Hah. I can't read Electronic Cerebrectomy or No Smoking In The Skull Cave at work because they get filtered as "adult." Mr. Miller's blog makes it through though.

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Keep Grant Miller away from the children.


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