Catholic Girls Worst Nightmare

I have said it before, and I will say it again. European commercials are so much better than ours!


  1. Somehow I don't think that was the kind of blessing she was looking for.


  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Wow, now I have to go to confession just watching that!

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Wow, I'm surprised any company wants to align its product with priests in this day and age.

  4. Have you ever noticed that Coke Light doesn't taste the same as Diet Coke. Maybe that's why I don't like traveling as much anymore as I used to.

  5. Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

  6. "The commercial plays well in South America, but how would it do in Ohio?"

    At least the priest is reaching for a Coke and girls, instead of alterboys with Pepsi and Taco Bell.

    He could have shown her an obscene coconut, or some kelp that looked suggestive. Who knows what dives he might have made?



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