How quickly the years pass...

Just got this from one of my old workmates from USWest days, and had to share.


  1. I pick pic #3. If I am at the beach I would rather be sitting amongst those ladies. I can use them as flotation devices in case of rogue waves.

  2. ...although I can't see the fronts of pic #2. There could be plenty of flotation devices there too.

    Somehow I think I would be the last to be rescued, though.

  3. This is funny, don't get me wrong, but I find it mildy disturbing when I think of my two little girls. They already look like the first picture. I'm not sure my heart can take them looking like the other two.


  4. Leonesse: The gal in the middle of pic#3 is more than a flotation device, she is a whole water craft. And, I would pick you up first!

    Doc: What a drag to see them grow up, being a guy and knowing what lurks in the heart of every young man...

  5. Hey, where'd you get that pic of me?

    I'd rather not say which one I am.

  6. cheeky!

    (thanks for your visit - you got rocketrolled!)

  7. Anonymous7:56 PM

    age and children destroy our bodies

    LOL!!! yeah, right, along with beer, chocolate and cheeseburgers!!

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Oh God, please tell me that is not the natural progression of things. Please?!?!?

  9. I am 2nd from the left in the 3rd picture...LOL OMG that is funny

  10. I am 2nd from the left in the 3rd picture...LOL OMG that is funny


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