I love me some Jim Gaffigan!


  1. My brother will be seeing him in two weeks. Wish I was going. Instead, I will drown my sorrows in bacon.

  2. I usually drown my sorrows (and my joys)in beer, but would love bacon on the side.

  3. I think leonesse might be on to something. No more peanuts on the bar, just hot crispy bacon. Mmmm.

    We used to get together at a buddy's house every friday night and drink beer and cook 3 lbs. of bacon. We finally quit though, but not until we had enough grease to fill the turkey fryer. Let me tell you, you haven't eaten until you have had a 5 lb. bird cooked in the fat of twenty five pounds of bacon fat.

    Damn. Now I'm hungry.


  4. Anonymous9:37 PM

    hahahaha!! we were just talking about this guy at work today!!

    and no, my ankles were good when i was 4!!

  5. Gaffigan is hysterical. Are you watching him on "My Boys" on TBS? Okay, well, it's over for the summer, but you can probably catch episodes online.

  6. Mcgone: If I have to drown, let it be in bacon!

    Leonesse: Beer with Bacon on the side? That right there is the garden of eden!

    Doc: Did you first fill the bird with cheese? That would be wonderful!

    Prissy: Thanks for getting bcak to me on this!

    Gretta: I didn't know he was on a series, how come I wasn't informed of this?


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