Grampa Abe McCain

Twins separated at birth? You be the judge!


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hey Knock it off with the quick posting. I just read your last one and this one showed up.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  2. That is just too damn funny! Where do you find this stuff?


  3. Suze: I live only to surprise and entertain you.

    Doc: I am all over these things we call the intertubes...

  4. First, let me just say that I *heart* Grampa Simpson. Second, that was my all-time favorite quote from Grampa. Third, let me tell you this: I know Grampa Simpson. McCain, Sir, is no Grampa Simpson, and never will be. ;)

  5. Oh my dear, this is HILARIOUS... whoever created it did a great job. Too funny. You always find the best crap, I swear.


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