Just call me Dr SkyDad

Just got back from Children's Hospital where I was donating blood. It's a regular thing for me, about every 3 months or so for quite some time.
Anyway, since we have a lot of time invested at Children's with Skyler, we have permanent ID badges that we can wear to bypass security and walk right in. They look rather official, and I was walking down the hall toward the blood donation center when I was stopped by a little old lady outside of radiation. She just started asking me about her procedure! I tried to explain that I am not her doctor, but I guess I look a bit like him. One of the nurses came and lead her back into the waiting room where she was supposed to be, and as she walked away she said to the nurse, "I thought for sure that was my doctor, nobody dresses so poorly for a doctor!"
The nurse snorted so hard stuff flew out of her, and she turned to see if I heard. I was just grinning at her to let her know I did.


  1. Doctor, I've got this strange ringing in my ears, sounds like laughter.

  2. I get that, too, except they substitute "homeless man" for "doctor."

  3. You need more bling. Then people better recognize!

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    You should have at least ordered her an enema.

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Poor Dr. Skyler's Dad doing a good deed and getting dissed by the elderly.

  6. I was already snickering a bit and then read Kirby's comment and it turned into an out loud snort. So attractive.

  7. "I'm not a doctor but I play one on TV..."

    This kind of thing happens to me all the time. I will be in the post office and there is always one person across the room pointing at me and then at the Wanted posters. It is funny until the FBI arrives. I'm lucky to still be walking the streets.


  8. Oh no, another doctor? First Zibbs, now you? :)

  9. You guys all have such great comments! Thanks a lot everyone, I am thinking next time I will just snap on the gloves and offer up some free procedure.

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    maybe you should offer some free "proctology" exams.

  11. Too bad she wasn't 25 and hot. You could have had some real fun then.

  12. What, doctors don't wear baggy sweats and geeky t-shirts?

  13. You should've told 'em you've got terrible handwriting, too.

  14. Whenever people mistake me for a doctor, I always play along.


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