I've Been Living a Lie

I can't keep going on with this charade any longer. My conscience has been bothering me for some time about this, and it is time to come clean.

Like our current president, I am not a naturalized citizen of the United States of America.

There, I said it, pheeeew. That feels better to get it off of my chest.

For proof I am attaching my actual birth certificate:

I hope you forgive me for living the lie this long...

Courtesy of the Kenyan Birth Certificate Generator.


  1. The Jules2:03 PM

    Your parents were ninjas?

    But . . . I thought they were pirates.

    I feel so . . . betrayed!

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    You hide it well.

  3. Just as I suspected. :-P

  4. I knew you weren't a real American.

  5. I could tell by your accent and your stealth like keystrokes that you were not from the USA.

  6. Leonesse8:13 PM

    Ummm, what's with Fort Knox? I am confused. :-E

  7. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I have family from Hillbilly Hills.

  8. Next thing you know we'll find out you're not really in a straightjacket.

  9. a lot of people ohave the same birth certificate - what's up with that?


  10. I knew it! Your propensity to run long distance races and suddenly it all makes sense!


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