Quite the Christmas

It has been a memorable Christmas around the fam damnly this year. We started off with a nice lunch with my sister and brother in law in lieu of a present exchange. That was great! We are starting a new tradition. It was just the 3 of us hanging out for Christmas, and then Skyler started getting sick. Some sort of stomach bug invaded the house, complete with projectile vomit (Skyler and Kathy) with a special guest appearance by explosive diarrhea for me. Skyler recovered quickly, Kathy and I not so much... We are still taking turns in the bathroom, and trying to tend to Skyler, who doesn't think sick parents should affect him this much!

Lots of great gifts this year. Skyler got lots of great stuff, but his favorite was a new tape from Aunt Karen and Uncle Steven of the news folks from up in Seattle!

Our former Physical Therapist, Ilene, who live back in Philly sent Kathy and Skyler

wait for it...

Snuggies!!! Wheeeeee!!!

I got some Starbucks cards (always a hit with me) and this years edition of the Star Trek "Ships of the Line" calender to get my geek on with. I have had this calender going back to the first edition, which I am not totally sure I should really be bragging about.

The dogs got chew bones, and after destroying them in the backyard, came in to thank me.

But the ultimate cool thing that happened this year wasn't a present, it was news from back in the Pacific Northwest. Long time readers will know all about Skylers favorite person in the world, his cousin Kirsten.

Kirsten has been dating her boyfriend Roy for quite awhile now. They guide raft trips together. They just took a 21 day raft trip all the way through Grand Canyon, finishing up in Las Vegas.

Well Roy had his dad make a ring for her, and then proposed to her the night of the full moon on the raft trip!! Pretty cool stuff here, and Skyler approves which might have been a deal breaker right there.

Good luck Kirsten and Roy!


  1. Ick - Holiday stomach bugs are the worst. And we old folks don't recover so quickly!

    Come over and see the Major Matt Mason photo I found for you!

  2. First of all, congrats to Kirsten and Roy!

    Mom gave 2 of my nieces Snuggies and another niece said, "Hey! I want one!" Mom replied, "What do you think the money I gave you is for?" Niece said, "Oh yeaaahhh..."

    It sounds like a good Christmas was had by all! Well, except for the projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea. ; )

  3. Happy (BLEURGH!) christmas (SPOOSH!) to you and yours!

    Did you like the D&V sound effects? I feel they add a personal touch.


  4. No Snuggie for you? Unfair!

    Got a little award for you over at my place today.

  5. That is so cool about the news tape! How thoughtful.
    Hope you feel better soon. Nice shot of you with the dogs, haha. I don't know why it made me think of your end of summer video (dogs/pool).
    Congratulations to the young couple.

  6. Anonymous8:38 AM

    My husband is the perfect candidate for a Snuggie, he's always, always cold. Knowing him, though, he'd get tripped up in it, fall down, and end up breaking a tooth or something.

  7. Aside from the projectile vomiting and explosive diahrrea, it sounds like your holidays were marvelous!

    That's wonderful news about your niece and her boyfriend! Nice to know that there some romantics around still.

  8. Sorry about the stomach flu. That's rough. Other than that, it sounds like one hell of a Christmas.

  9. I'll trade you a tie-fighter for that snuggie. ;)

    Kirsten and Skyler look more like brother and sister than cousins... and their combined smiles would melt the frost off an igloo's doorknob.

    Awesome post, Chris. Thank you and BLESSINGS!!!!!!

    PS: I have this coupon for immodium.... just sayin'.


  10. And the awards keep piling up. You picked up another STAR Award at my place today.

  11. AWWWW...Sounds like a Merry one for your family!!

    The Snuggies Rock!

  12. It was Snuggies all around at our house...only to find that the Slanket is the superior product. Or the Blankoat...or if you are a hardy outdoors person, the Bivanorak.

    Still, all things considered, I'd rather be called a "Snuggie" than a "Slanket."

  13. Awww, that's just not fair, being sick on Christmas. I've been there. That's the worst.


    Hopefully you, Kathy and Skyler will have a much better New Year's Eve!

  14. Cnongrats to Kirsten and Roy!!

    Yeah to STAR TREK anything!!!!!!!

    Looks like a great time!!!


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