Bad Tat Tuesday!

Wow! I found one tat from Ellen, but my friends really came through with their submissions this time.  Check it!

This was posted on Ellen's website, a pretty good representation, but why?

While it is really just a joke about tats instead of actual tats, I just love the point!  Nice find by Scotland!!

My friend Shannon found this one.  Anything involving Christopher Walken is creepy.

The hater of veggies has found one of the finest pieces of What The Fuck ever in the history of tats.  Mom is so proud.


  1. Of course, Miss Filthy gets to use the C-word, but if I say it, I get the stink eye!

  2. Why in holy hell would anyone have something so insulting on her own body?

  3. lol, I might get one of those tats for old people...especially the one with the pill box!

  4. Good Lord. That chick is going to really regret that tat one day and then she'll be stuck wearing turtle necks for the rest of her life. Just stoooooooooopid.

  5. I love that F.C.'s eyes are pixelated. I would instantly recognize her on the street...which I can only imagine is where she spends most of her time.

  6. If 'C' is trying to advertise, she's sending the wrong message. Who wants to play with a filthy one?

  7. I just prayed it was photoshop but I have a strange, sad sensation that is not. I also cannot come up with one scenario where someone of normal intelligence would do that to themselves.

    The Walken one however is AWESOME. In a really terrible way. :)

  8. Yeah, I kinda dig the Walken one even though I'd never admit to it in public (is this considered "public"?) The last one reminds me of a girl I saw on the bus that had the words "Freak Show" tattooed down the side of her leg in similar writing. Wish I had a pic of that for you, SD, but no camera on my phone. I have tattoos and I swear these posts of yours make me very proud of what I won;t do.


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