I hope your VD is wonderful. Wait, what?


  1. I'm sorry...
    I can't get past the blinding logic of a chocolate penis that ejaculates money.


  2. Well now, I'd like to state, for the record, right here, right now, that if anyone EVER buys me a funeral plot for Valentines Day, he will end up in it sooner than I will.

    Also, VD? Hee!!!!! Snort.

    /I am twelve

    Happy day of love, dude!

  3. ........Hmm?........

    I'm sorry, were you saying something? You lost me at the chocolate penis which ejaculates money.

  4. Funeral arrangements? So, buying her the vacuum cleaner didn't work last year, so you know you needed to step it up?

  5. I LOVE the dysfunctional hearts! I need to find a place that sells those!

  6. Upsidedown heart! My guy is coming over this weekend to 'celebrate' V-day. You KNOW what I'll be thinking. *snort*

    My wv: tentacles (you also know my mind replaced the 'n' with an 's'. ; )

  7. I am glad you all liked these, they were fun finds for a holiday that I despise!

  8. Awww. So very sweet and romantic. ha ha.


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