At last!

A quirky comic to match my quirky sense of humor!!


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I like Bizzaro. Fills the Far Side void without ripping it off.

  2. I hadn't thought of it that way Kirby, but you are right! I loved Far Side also, and still get the desk calendar each year.

  3. Anonymous3:29 AM

    somehow I can picture YOU in the photo jacket and cigar... I think if you're ever in need of a live avitar, that's th' one to keep in mind.

    I've found all SORTS of scanned goodies from ages and ages ago now that we're packing, an' I think I'm gonna borrow this idea and run a few a week, especially from a Non Sequitor series called "he said, she heard".

  4. BO: That was my thinking for the Avatar also!

  5. Very Far Sideque. I like it.

  6. Grant: Yes, it takes it's place pretty well.


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