Short update on life

We were scheduled to tour the local NBC affiliate, 9News this morning. Skyler was really excited, he has been on the tour before, but always wants to go back. Then the tour had to be rescheduled because the morning sports anchor, Susie had a scheduling change. We will get there, just a different day.

Skyler was really bummed out, so we all went out to breakfast this morning for extremely greasy eggs, sausage, hash browns... everything! I am sitting here with my stomach grumbling and my arteries thickening as I type this.

We are in a big fight with the program that Skyler was attending to be able to take a college course, we kept asking all summer for meetings and asking are you set up and ready? They said yeah, yeah, we got it all under control. Well now that it has started, guess what? He has a lot of needs, doesn't he? We don't have a place to change him, the bus doesn't have tie downs for his chair, on and on...

We are pissed, but also so damn tired of fighting the system.

Here is a funny I got in the mail this morning:

Life summarized in . . . . 4 bottles

Shit! I am on my 3rd bottle already!!


  1. Sorry to hear school is being a pain, but I loved the four bottle picture. I'm on the third bottle myself and I hope I never need the fourth!


  2. it's worth fighting for! kudos to you for sticking with it. Cheers to the 3rd bottle!

  3. hey hon, left ya a lil prezzie over at my blog... come and get it!


  4. My sister has been trying to get Lynnie a new pair of shoes for nearly six months. When I was in over the weekend, they said, "They'll be in next week."

    Good, because winter is coming and the ones he has are in leather shreds.

  5. I hope to stay on that third bottle forever. Hmm, thinking like that is what will probably lead to the fourth bottle.

  6. Sounds like you and Skyler are having a frustrating week. Grrrrrrrr. I'm very sorry to hear that.

    I'm willing to kick peoples' asses for you fellas, just say the word!

    I hope things get better soon.


  7. I have a Blogger friend (Sally) who's having the same problems with her disabled son's school. You gave them plenty of time - what the hell is their problem???

    Btw, reverse the bottles and that'll be my life. I started out with an I.V. and will end up with a baby bottle because I'll be senile. ; )

  8. If you have to be stuck somewhere, there are worse places than the third bottle. I'm glad the eggs and greasefest were there for you even if I wasn't! :-)

  9. Chris, it's always something. The system is set up to make you fail.
    I've been rather caught up myself, but I'm trying to make the best of things. I did lose another follower though.
    Love the bottle pic, very witty.
    Hang in there. xo d

  10. Just stay strong, my friend.

  11. I like the bottle picture

  12. I just pour my third bottle into my fourth.

    Chris... I'm looking into something for Skyler... gimme a few.

  13. That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen, for reals.

  14. the third bottle should just be the fourth

    i am sorry to hear about the school thing - wouldnt it be nice if people actually cared about helping!

  15. that was priceless.

    Yeah, I'm on my third as WELL!

  16. I would be scared if you said you were still on your first bottle.

  17. Perspective: Im on the third bottle too! So that makes you as old as I am. 27. You're welcome :)

    I'm sorry you're having such trouble with Skyler's new program. Have you resolved everything yet?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The system is a shitbowl. I am not dealing with what you are at the moment but I am dealing with someone on the 4th bottle. By the time we get to this the system gives you nothing and would throw you out on the street. It Blows !!


  20. pass the bottle over here keep the bag away

  21. I'm glad you got it rescheduled and that Skyler had a great time.


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