What a Trip, and What a Wedding it Was

Ahhhh, back home to where it is a tad more easy to take care of Skyler! When you are lugging the man-cub up and down stairs a lot, you forget about the simple things of life, like ramps!

Our trip was really great, and Kirsten's wedding was excellent. I will try not to bore you all with way too many details that you don't need or care about, so here is one big, long post mostly of pictures.

We flew into Seattle and stayed the night getting settled in the townhome we usually rent. It used to be an assisted living facility, and now it is an extended stay place. So it has wide doors, good accessibility for chairs and works well for us. Then we drove up north to where Kirsten and Roy live, just south of the Canadian border in Glacier Washington.

Kirsten and Roys place, a small A frame with a much larger building they built themselves for holding their rafting and Kayaking equipment. (priorities you know...)

This is the place that we rented while we were there, it was just next door to Kirsten. Kathy's dad stayed with us so that we could take care of him also.

Oops, 5 stairs and a landing... Oh well, that is the smallest amount available in this small mountain town, usually it is more like 10 or 12!

We headed down to the little community center by the river where they were getting set up for the wedding the next day to help out. That is Kirsten with Skyler.

Glacier creek taken from where Kirsten's friend, the minister will stand.

Skyler making sure he has good viewing from his location on the aisle.

Roy drove up to the base of mount Baker that morning to load his truck with snow to keep the kegs and wine/champagne chilled.

One of the very few pictures you will ever see of family de Hull dressed up in the slightest!

Grandpa Ken went and staked his claim to a front row seat early.

Musicians warming up.

Crowd is filling in, Kirsten's brother Cale, has a girlfriend who lives in Boston and is sitting next to grandpa Ken.

Roys grandparents and family/friends.

I have no idea who the dude was in the red suspenders, but he rocked! By the way, I decided that every wedding should have beer and wine available while you are being seated and during the ceremony. It is too good of an idea, why isn't it done more?

Kirsten's friend who officiated the ceremony is 5 foot nothing, so stood on a chair. She had the best line of the day when she said "Some guy named Peter had this to say about weddings". Then did a reading from the Apostle Peter. Excellent! Later on she remarked that getting married is really kind of a big deal!

Roy waiting for the lovely lady.

Kirsten's bridesmaids.

Roy's Groomsmen, Cale is at the end of the line on the right.

Kirsten and her Dad Chris.

Vows. By the way, the second best line of the day was when Roy was asked if he takes Kirsten to be his bride. His response was "Well hell yes"!

They each brought a glass of water from the river, poured it into a unity container and drank from that.


Skyler was all sad, we were to finally figure out later that he thought that he was losing Kirsten and wouldn't get to see her again.

Kirsten's side of the family.

For those of you who would like to check out video, here are a few:

Pre-wedding setup and folks coming in.

The Wedding, split into two halves, approximately 20 minutes total.


Post Wedding scanning around.


  1. Beautiful!!! I want their A-frame! :)

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! And about as casual as you can get without taking your shoes off. lol!

    I hope Skyler knows that he can't lose Kirsten. She's just adding the hubby to the family.

    And speaking of family...that's a LOT of blonde people! : P

  3. That looks like a really nice wedding. And it's sad that Skyler cried! Glad you had a good trip.

  4. Well hell yes!" - I love it!!

  5. I'm a sucker for an outdoor wedding because Cute Hubby and I were married in the woods 30 years ago.
    Congratulations to the couple, and happy life to them!
    Love the sharing of the water, too. Great idea.

  6. That's so gorgeous. It sounds really wonderful, You have a beautiful family there.

  7. Absolutely breath-taking place. I'm in love with it. Good for them!

  8. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Love the snow thing. More weddings should be like this.

  9. Beautiful. I love weddings. :)

  10. Awesome pics...thanks for sharing!!! Now get back to work!

  11. holy crapp!! Well, if'n yer GONNA do it, then I guess ye should do it RIGHT!

    (BTW, the word verification for this was "INGLUED"-- i just thought that was wonderful somehow...)

  12. What a beautiful setting for their wedding! Best Wishes for the new married couple :)


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