We're at 45 degrees and holding!

Been stuck down in Richardson TX working like a dog this week, but had to post this after a friend sent it to me. One of the funniest scenes from a really funny old movie, enjoy!


  1. ha! and when you said "we're at 45 degrees", here I thought you were talking about a warm front that was movin' thru CO and the snow was melting, or something!!

    Sheeh, I should KNOW you much better than that, right??

    "Jesus Christ! Italian food comin' down!!" i gotta use that line...

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    We just watched that movie a few weeks ago with the kid. It still holds up really well.

  3. totally before my time ... and woody allen gives me a rash ...

    on a different note ... i have a new ... rear end girl for you to ogle on my blog ... tee hee hee!!

  4. That was hilarious! For some odd reason, Woody Allen as a sperm just seems to fit.

  5. HL: Yeah, you would think you would have figured out I was born to be in the gutter! And I love the little front end loader driving around, my stomach feels like that some days!

    Kirby: It is an oldy but goody (hows that for an old geezer comment)

    TG: You youngster you... Woody Allen is a tremendous writer, but tough to look at! Thanks for the new girl.

    Raven: "You're standing on my tail" God I just laughed and laughed.

  6. Richardson! You're just down the road from Plano where all the food's at. But yeah, Richardson's not too exciting...it's just close to stuff that's almost exciting.

  7. thank you, that explained so much!


  8. Classic. Love that movie.

  9. Funny coincidence-- I almost checked Sleepers out at the library a couple of days ago.

    There were so many funny lines in that movie. Woody never misses a chance to get a dig in at New York University. There's the scene where he's on the date with the woman and Tony Randall and Burt Reynolds are discussing whether he's going to "get some" that night. The woman mentions that she's a graduate of NYU, and Tony Randall turns, leers and says "we're going to get it tonight!"

  10. Doh- of course if I'd watched the clip first, I'd have seen that that was the scene you posted.

  11. Woody Allen can do no wrong in my book.

    Well, almost no wrong.


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