Fake Motivation Posters

More fun stuff found while I really should be working. Yeah, I'm sick, what else did you expect?


  1. I dated the boob lady in college. She had a nice personality and a good sense of humor, but it just didn't work out. She sold Amway and chewed tobacco.

    Beware of the monkey. He carries extra clips.


  2. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Why Carol... why? Oh, that's good.

  3. Furious George ROCKS!

  4. Doc: Were there always tobacco "spills" in her cleavage?

    Kirby: I like you, we think a lot alike!

    Jen: Beats the Trunk Monkey from that car place hands down.

  5. I thought there was NO such thing as "too much boobs"?????

  6. Teri: This kind of proves that guy theory to be false...

  7. Well, I'm putting the safety goggles on for the rest of my life.

  8. the big boob lady --- did not stand up -- she was just going thru the motions

  9. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Exactly where in the U.S. are they Brazillians five cents?

  10. what a foo' I was for not thinking of opening up my own Brazilian shop!!

    this shit is FUNNY. where DO you find these things?? Or are you making 'em yo'self?

  11. These are awesome. Sorry you're sick!

    Isn't the first one the guy from "Breaking Away"?

  12. Pistols: Smart man, and quite the fashion statement also.

    Distrib: You think she can stand up?

    Suze: Why my place of course!

    HL: I surf lots and have a ton of friends that send me stuff.

    TG: I am not sick as in achoo, I am just plain old sick!

  13. I've never been sick in my achoo before, but I've had an ache in my... Never mind.

    Boy, the look on the "Fear" kid's face!


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