The shoe post

I have noticed that a lot of the wonderful folks on my blog roll have an affinity for shoes. So when I stumbled across these, I just had to post them. I am looking forward to several photos of you all wearing some of these, you know who you are!


  1. I've seen the last pair before. They're pretty...gross.

    I used to know a guy in college and he had this weird shoe fetish. He didn't think anyone knew, but everyone did and made fun of him behind his back.


  2. I don't want nobody to bitch about my bright yellow Crocs anymore after this post!!

  3. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I'll wear the cork shoes. They look "green".

  4. I have seen these, and they are nuts. I think the red and black ones are the Official shoes of kickboxing.

  5. I didn't see my three-year-old pair of New Balance kicks anywhere on the list. I'm probably just ahead of the curve.

  6. I really, really want a pair of those alligator Chuck Taylors.

  7. My daughter would do horrid things to get those shoepants. I don't even want to think about it.

  8. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I think my daughter is secretly coveting the giraffe shoes but won't admit it.

  9. I like a few of those..;.
    Feel are my first comment after a fub night in a month. I've drunk a lot tonight!!!

  10. Sigh...I also can spell or type apparently...when I've been drinking.

  11. These are no more ridiculous than Crocs.

  12. Glad you all enjoyed this one, and a special welcome to Travel Gretta mom!

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    About the last pair, who skinned the hobbit?

  14. Why wouldn't I stop by your blog after drinking. I leave messages on Lemon's blog all the time after having a few (too many). I figured it was time to spread the wealth a little.

  15. I will make sure that my Lord of the Rings lovin' husband never knows that those Hobbit feet are available for purchase.

    He's already tried to put his statues of Golem and Treebeard on our mantle.

  16. I adore the first pair ... but why are they laying on a saltine?

  17. that last pair --- i didnt know that Laura Bush was a shoe model?

  18. Everyone to the Bata Shoe Museum!

  19. These are great. Strangely, the heels-only shoes creep me out more than the hobbit feet shoes.

  20. I'd hate to be out partying and have to pee often when wearing the third from the bottom. Although, if I had a teenage daughter, I'd make sure she wore them out.

  21. GKL: Would your teenage daughter have to wear anything on top? Just wonderin...

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