Despiration - A dating video...

I just love the part where the kid brother comes in!


  1. How embarraassing; I saw seven of my personalities during these three minutes.

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Have you been trolling Myspace again?

  3. Do people actually video date still? Isn't this like doing a parody of phone party lines?

  4. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Too funny with the Dr. Phil brother :)

  5. My girls and I want to know where the hell you find these?!

  6. Come on Beth, I don't believe you have over 5 living inside you!

    SV: Everyone has to have a hobby...

    Pistols: I've been out of dating so long that Polyester was popular, what do I know?

    Suze: That was great, wasn't it?

    Raven: I have way more friends than anybody deserves.

  7. What a hoot. We (guys) have it so easy that girls that good looking can be so insecure and nervous. So they'll go out with guys like us.

  8. is that a young Dr. Phil?


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