Feedback from an old story of mine

Something very nice happened last week I wanted to tell you all about.

I received a very nice email from a guy named Gary that said he had found an old post I did about the plane crash of the Wichita State football team.

Here is a snippet from his email:

I ran across a blog you wrote last December about the WSU plane crash.  As difficult as it was to read through that – especially the ending – I do appreciate you taking the time to do so. 

You see, my six sisters and I lost our parents in that crash. Just recently there was a documentary done on the crash by a Wichita TV station. It certainly stirred a number of things in my heart, and as I have been looking at some additional things on the web I came across what you wrote.

Well, just a simple thanks to you – and to your dad for his help and support in a very difficult situation years ago. God bless you.

Wow. I can't imagine losing both of your parents like that! So I responded to him to thank him for his email, and he answered back that a local PBS station had produced a documentary about the crash, and his sister was interviewed in it. He sent a link to it, and I wanted to share it with you:

Scroll down to the videos and check some of them out. They are short clips, stories from some of the people affected by the crash.


  1. see you never know how or when you will effect another person.
    i know that you do it more than you are aware of.

  2. That's so nice when you receive an unexpected thank you like that.

  3. Proof positive that we do what we do because we love it!

    What a wonderful feeling,Chris. Congrats

  4. Amazing what a blog post will do.


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