The Scope/Cora Effect

Have you all noticed something about our two Blogworld lovebirds? Their posts tend to go up at the same time these days! Even though they are separated by thousands of miles and 2 time zones, Eric and Cora seem to be connected somehow. Witness the following examples from my all knowing, all telling bloggy reader:

4 hours and 4 hours. Both post at the same time.

1 hour and 1 hour. Both post at the same time.

1 hour and 1 hour. Both post at the same time.

6 hours and 6 hours, both posting at the same time! Except this time, as she is want to do, Sass tries to squeeze in between...

I submit that they are connected spiritually, cosmically, hell I bet Eric is even getting on the same cycle!

Whatcha all think? Coincidence? I think not.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great investigation Barnaby Jones.

    What if there really isn't a Cora? Liek it's Scope writing for both of them and the person we think is Cora is just someone they he kidnapped and uses for pictures?

  3. Awwwww. Thank you, Sky Dad. In all honesty, this connection you speak of is true. Scope has free long distance and told me to email him anytime I want to talk then he'll call me and we can talk for free - but nine times out of ten as soon as I sit down at the computer to email him he calls me before I've even sent the email. It's like he just KNOWS.

    Or like he has a Spy Cam in my house.

    But I like the first explanation better.


  4. Dr Zibbs: I see myself as more of a Columbo type, just one more little question...

    Cora: You are welcome. And Scope doesn't have a spy cam in your house, that would be mine.

  5. That's some pretty good staking .. er .. investigating there SD! ;-)

  6. It is a bit of a mystery. And I'm certain that it has very little to do with the fact that I schedule 90% of my posts to go up at 6:00am my time.

    I will be investigating putting a spycam / webcam in her house over Thanksgiving, though.

  7. And did you notice she's usually on top? Just sayin'. :-)

  8. Why, yes, looky at that ~ I am usually on top.


  9. You know, they say that after a while, couples start looking alike.

    Maybe this is blog worlds own version of the twin theory?

    And've got way too much time on your hands if you noticed this! Or maybe you're just an awesomely observant guy.

    Nah, too much time!

  10. I've been trying to tell everyone this for months, but THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON!!!

    Hasn't anyone else noticed that you never see them in the same room together, except sometimes in obviously photoshopped pictures, and Eric's big and tall and Cora's tiny, it has to be one of them with a made-up personality all Buffalo-Bill-like! And one has glassess and the other doesn't....hellloooooooo, Clark Kent and Superman ring a bell?!?!?

    When I expose their treachery, you all are going to feel silly!

  11. Thats the power of true love....

    I think I just made myself a little nauseous.

  12. I noticed that too. I figured that they were on the phone talking, saying : 1 2 3 publish.

  13. You're like a super sleuth man! BTW, I don't think I've ever wrote the word "sleuth" in my life.


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