Zero to Hero and back, all in a single morning.

Yesterday when we got up at our usual time of 0 dark thirty, we turned on the TV for Skyler to watch as we went about the morning activities. He was surfing around and found that the local NBC affiliate, channel 9, was doing their annual food and clothing drive called 9Cares Colorado shares. Skyler saw that two of his favorites in the TV biz, Kathy Sabin and Adele Arakawa were at the Inverness Hotel collecting donations.

This is Kathy and Adele:

So Skyler is all excited about going and donating something in order to get to see two of his favorites, and two that have been here in Denver forever. He met them first at the Race or the Cure when he was about 6 years old. I tried to talk him into going to see a couple other 9news celebs who were at the Weston hotel, which is only about 5 miles from us. The Inverness is on the exact opposite side of the whole city, 75 miles round trip...

He would have nothing to do with that! We needed to go see Kathy and Adele.

So I agreed to drive him down there, and would would donate some cash since we were pressed for time, and wanted to make sure we didn't miss them.

Skyler tells me to bring the video camera, and I put it into the van after making sure it was charged and ready. We are set, off we go! Skyler is really excited, and is laughing and having fun all the way down. We pull into the parking lot and I put the video camera up on the dash (he has been telling me what he wants all morning, Mr. director). So we start taking video as we pull in, and we see Kathy and Adele doing a live shot! Sweet, he is in heaven. and we pull up and drop off our check. I was going to ask if he could see Kathy and Adele, but they offered first, which was way cool.

So he got to see them, talk to them as they came up and chatted through the window and everything!! The only problem? Stupid Dad forgot to turn the camera around towards his window until the very end. Doh! Loser dad...

So, here is some video of the truck parked in front of us, with Kathy who walked up first and then joined by Adele saying hi to Skyler.


  1. Hahaha, you forgot to turn the radio down too. I just love the shot of people slowly milling around like zombies in front of your windshield. Good stuff.

  2. Zero > Hero > Zero

    Isn't under the job descrition of "dad"?

  3. That's awesome. When I lived in San Antonio I tried to go to an event and meet one of the local anchors. But, the restraining order kept me 500 feet away. ;-)

    I'm glad Skyler got to go see his babes. haha

  4. way to go great dad points

  5. That was seriously heart-warming, and big ups to you, Skyler, Kathy, and Adele.

  6. I think Skyler was on cloud nine the whole time...

    and dig this..they came to him :)

    Peace ~ Rene

  7. Awwww, it's cute anyway, SkyDad.


  8. Typical parent move. Join the club.

    I'm oddly connected to many anchors in the Twin Cities area - I know their siblings or some other loose connection. I'm starting to feel like an involuntary stalker.

  9. Hey, I'm givin' you an 'A' for effort! If it had been me, I'd have left the video camera at home. Or the battery would have been dead. Or I'd have dropped it and broken it on the way out the door...

    Awesome job, SkyDad - even without the video, he'll have a great memory of dashing across town to see them. :)

  10. That is awesome!!!

  11. Skyler is such a flirt!

  12. Great vid of those random dudes!

    Sounds like you guys had fun though!


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