Bad Tat Tuesday

Updated!! This just in, the always wonderful (especially when she hands out awards) BeckEye from The Pop Eye has bestowed the most awesome of all internet awards to me. The Firecrotch is mine, all mine!! (insert maniacal laughter here)

The return of bad tat Tuesday has the theme of sc-sc-sc-science! Yes these fine specimens are all related to scientific endeavors, equations, nature, general WTF moments permenentally placed upon your body. I wouldn't call a lot of this work bad, because there are some quality tat's in this group, just really weird subjects.

I am sure some of the equations and such are an inside joke, but I am not smart enough to know what they are...

I wonder if you can cheat on your finals with any of these?


  1. Great post idea.

  2. You're right, some of these are actually well done/cool, but I still have to wonder what the f*ck they were thinking.

    Oh, right. Alcohol.

  3. I am convinced that people are stupid.

  4. I like the glowy scorpion one. But just to look at.

  5. Thanks for brightening my day

  6. I pretty much liked all of them!

  7. I love Bad Tat Tuesdays! This is a much finer crop than usual, because the artwork is actually very good. But now that nerds are tattooing math and science on their bodies, tattoos have officially jumped the shark.

  8. I love Bad Tat Tuesday! And you know, as far as tats go, some of these are pretty cool. They're better than "MOM" or some of the other, mostly lame tats I've seen.

  9. Right???

    I was thinking the same thing.
    Nice to see that some people actually went cerebral while choosing a tat as opposed to drunk and disorderly.

    Bad Tat Tuesday Rocks!

  10. Hey, you won another Firecrotch award! Why don't you print out the badge and take it to the tattoo parlor so you can have it permanently etched into your groin?

  11. The one of the raptors is interesting as a conversational piece, but what the hell are they going to do when they get bored of it?

    BTW, congrats on the Firecrotch win!

  12. I kind of like the glow in the dark scorpion. *Hides*

  13. Wow, the chick with the jellyfish looks like my step-daughter. And she is a marine biologist who really digs jellyfish. I will have to ask her if that is her.

  14. I actually love all of those designs-- it's just that none of them belong on a human body.

  15. Some of those are actually pretty cool. And I bet Jelly Fish lady has some unresolved daddy issues that I could help her with.

  16. Great art, but I don't get the jellyfish or the squid. Whatever happen to just having a pin-up girl tattooed on?


  17. I actually kind of love the Goodnight Moon one.

    In other news, I'm a dork.

  18. Not much is sexier than a double helix...

    to a nerd.

    Those are great!

  19. where is the e=mc squared one?


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